Browse Items (259 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Collection: America's Civil War Years: Multiple Perspectives Previous Page of 13 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Camp Sketches: Soldiers' Winter Quarters (Siege of Petersburg) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 November? 1864 A Scene on Our Left: Preparing for Winter (Siege of Petersburg) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 November 5, 1864 Political Agents Distributing Campaign Documents among the Soldiers in the Camps (Siege of Petersburg) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 November 6, 1864 The Presidential Election in the Army of the Potomac (Siege of Petersburg) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 November 8, 1864 Election Scene in the Army of the Shenandoah Taylor, James E., 1839-1901 November 8, 1864 First Snow: Soldiers Gathering Wood (Siege of Petersburg) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 November 17, 1864 Our Line of Fortifications near Bartonsville, Virginia Taylor, James E., 1839-1901 December 31, 1864 View from Fort Picketts, Virginia Taylor, James E., 1839-1901 December 31, 1864 Siege of Petersburg 1865 Portion of Gen. Butler's Line of Defenses 1865 Dutch Gap As It Appears Now Taylor, James E., 1839-1901 January 2, 1865 View of Dutch Gap from Cox's Landing Taylor, James E., 1839-1901 [January 2, 1865] View of Dutch Gap Since the "Torpedo Experiment" Taylor, James E., 1839-1901 January 6, 1865 View of the Interior of Fort Fisher after the Bombing (Capture of Wilmington) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 January 16, 1865 Bombproof of Fort Fisher Used as a Hospital for Rebel Prisoners (Capture of Wilmington) 1 Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 February 1864 Earthworks and Position of General Terry's Army on the East Bank of the Cape Fear River (Capture of Wilmington) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 February 8, 1864 Cape Fear: On the Lookout for Blockade Runners (Capture of Wilmington) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 February 8, 1865 The Rebel Line Facing Gen. Terry's Army (Assault on Wilmington) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 February 11, 1865 Street Scene in Wilmington (Capture of Wilmington) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 February 27, 1864 The Street Panorama: Yankee Enterprise Delighting the Secesh (Capture of Wilmington) Becker, Joseph, 1841-1910 March, 1865? Previous Page of 13 Next Page Output Formats atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2